Name des
Name of Tool: |
Web.Config Editor |
Company Name: |
Hunter Stone |
Category: |
Visual Studio .NET Add-In: |
Kurzbeschreibung (Deutsch): |
Komfortabler Editor für ASP.NET-Konfigurationsdateien |
(English): |
Web.Config Editor (WCE) gives the user a GUI interface to view, edit and modify the web.config files created in ASP.NET applications. This tool is used to help the user manage and debug web.config files without having to know each individual configuration setting. Settings are now listed in the GUI interface and changes can be made by using the drop down lists, radio buttons and small text buttons. WCE also has the .NET help files to help clarify the settings in the application. This allows users of ASP.NET to easily transition to the new language and cut down the time it takes to find setting issues or to make changes. |
Beschreibung (Deutsch): |
Komfortabler Editor für ASP.NET-Konfigurationsdateien |
Aktuelle Version:
Current Version: |
Version 3.0 |
Preis: (Euro oder US-Dollar)
Price (Euros or US-Dollar):
99$ |
URL für weitere Informationen:
URL for information: | |
Remarks (English): |